Making a blog is a way of expressing yourself. In a way, you have all the freedom you need to create information. You can write about news, politics, or you can write about yourself! You have to choose what kind of blog you want to do: an informative blog, a prescriptive blog or just some entertaining blog! Actually I chose not to choose, and did a little bit of each. You should make it attractive, with pictures, videos and other illustrations. A good blog post should not be too long! One idea per post is more than enough. Make your point with a few arguments, but I think a post should always be opened to discussion, comments, and not closed on an opinion! A blog is a start point to more discussion.

And if you have a writer’s block, you always have an ocean of inspiration in front of you! The internet is full of possibilities, but always keep in mind that you should not steal someone’s intellectual property!

First, I wanted to be a journalist. That ambition went away pretty fast: I am not too passionate about writing, and it seems too much of a bet today to become a journalist. Communications and media seems like a good compromise: I like the mediatic world more in all the strategies that lay there. Where would I be in fifty years? This is a really good question. At the head of a media empire of course! In France? I am not that sure about that. I am really attracted to bigger media markets like the one taking place in the United States. And in a few month I am going to put a start to that ambition: I am going to spend 6 months in New York for my internship in a big advertising agency! I am really excited about that, it is going to be great!


No, I was kidding. It would have been quite nice actually, but I don’t believe that the future of technologies relies on analogue media, like argentic photography or vinyls. The future of the internet will surely be digital: I expect more magazines on iPad, new forms of journalism. The phenomenon of micro blogging for example is announcing how the internet is going to look like: quick, easy and taking multiple forms. Pictures, videos, text: we really have a lot of choice to express ourselves! I think what is going to be important in the future is to know how to use each media cleverly, and in order to have some quality in the creation process.

Ericsson, a provider of telecommunication and data communication systems, just made this video to illustrate the future of telecommunications, and of our digital data. I think it is quite well done and that it gives a good view of a possible future.

Ericsson – MSP from House of Radon on Vimeo.

What will our future look like? How will the world be in 2050? Controled by machines? I think it is very difficult to have a good idea of how we are all going to turn out. As far as I am concerned, I am in a moment when I have to take all sorts of decisions, choose an internship, a speciality, etc. I don’t even know  which city I want to live in, which job I precisely want to do! I can preview my weekend, next week, but I have trouble to see further than that!

As for the world, it seems even more difficult. The financial crisis, the democracy issues, the very difficult status of Europe right now: all the really important things, the one that we should relay on appear to be very instable at the moment. We are all discussing about the future of Europe, will it explode because of the greek situation? I really hope that the situation gets better, and that great world leaders find a way to be responsible and reasonnable!

Here is my video presentation! I hope you like it! Since I have not put any representation of myself in it, here is a little picture of me at the Fuji Rock festival this summer

Video/ music credits: Glass Candy – Warm in the winter

E shops have become a regular way to shop. It is as usual to see a girl going shopping than to see a girl ordering clothes online! We do not fear to pay online anymore. This is why we have witnessed numerous e shops florishing over the internet. Whether it is a brand opening its website, like Urban Outfitters for example, or a brand that establishes itself only online. My favorite e shop actually is an English brand, Asos. I think it is great because it is not that expensive, and you don’t have to pay any delivery fees! So you can buy somthing, and return it for free if you don’t like it! I think this is great, and besides, e commerce is not a threat to “real” commerce. Going shopping with friends cannot be replaced by shopping online! Even if going outside to shop can be tiring, it is a fun activity! I believe this two kind of shopping complete themselves!

I want to introduce you to Supakitch and Koralie, two great street artists from France. Together they form the label METROPLASTIQUE.

They started their adventure in 2005 by selling t-shirts with their designs, in a wish of an “artistic street guerrilla”. Their intention was to create a new genre of exhibition: a street exhibition where anyone can become an actor of it. In 2010 they launched a whole range of clothes called “Grand Cru”.

Their design always show a great attraction to many cultures: the Japanese one, with representation of geishas, but also the Russian culture, with the matryoshka dolls for example. It is a blend of many influences, that you can experience in this really nice video.

SUPAKITCH & KORALIE “Euphorie” Paris from Raphaël Hache on Vimeo.

Music is an activity that gathers, but you don’t always get to be with friends. Listening to music alone is very acceptable, do not misunderstand me! The catch phrase “don’t listen to music alone” is a phrase I have taken from a funny website I just discovered.

Just enter the artist you are currently listening to, as for example I am just listening to a group I am addicted to right now, The Rapture:

And here is a cocktail suggestion:

Of course, I should remind you that drinking alcohol is bad for the health!

I know that I should be talking about war, but I’d rather talk about it in a much more positive aspect. I would like to evoque the subject of peace! As John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who should all be promoting peace and fighting for it everyday.Peace means understanding between countries, but between people too! We do not really have a conflict to disaprove today, but we mustn’t forget how precious peace is.

As I just said, there aren’t any major conflicts opposing the leading countries nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that the world situation is perfect. The financial crisis, corruption, lack of democracy are a few example of our society problems. We should fight for human rights, freedom, etc. I don’t know if staying in bed for weeks as Yoko and John did is the best solution, but I would like to try it!

Still want to fight? At least fight for your opinions! When I say fight, I mean oppose your opinions to other’s, on the subject of your choice. On the website Pitchfork, you can learn about the current debates in the music world. This is the only kind of war that I find acceptable : )

Here is a little personal guide for your exploration of the internet!

1. Be curious! The main advantage of the Internet for me is the wide range of information that you can find! So, go on, get on your computer and start browsing! Music, videos, blogs!

2. Respect the artist’s copyright. It is really important to realize what you can and can’t do with what you find.

3. Be kind, or at least always be polite. Haters are really ridiculous!

4. Take care of your righting, I think misspellings are very irritating.

5. Don’t show too much about yourself, no one needs to see how drunk you were last night!

6. Always separate your work life from your personal life, then you can avoid being fired because of your Facebook account.

7. Listen to your childish side!! The internet is full of cats and other cute animals!

8. Always share your discoveries with your friends!

9. Get inspired! You can find many inspiration on the Tumblr platform for example!


10. Try not to get addicted.. As we saw this is difficult!